Ljetna/zimska škola
Studenti Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu mogu međunarodno iskustvo i dodatne prilike
usavršavanja u međunarodnom okruženju stjecati i putem ljetnih i zimskih škola. Ljetne/zimske škole podrazumijevaju kraći oblik mobilnosti studenata.
VAŽNO – savjetujemo raspitati se kod organizatora postoji li povoljnija cijena za
sudjelovanje za studente partnerskih institucija!
Winter School: Leadership in Law (University of Antwerp, Faculty of Law)
Introductory course on leadership development and diversity in the legal industry aimed at law students and junior legal professionals who are looking to shape their role as (future) leaders. The course focuses on leaders’ skill development with regard to self-awareness (leadership styles, growth mindset, personality), soft skills (communication and inclusion skills), and decision-making (creativity, fairness, cognitive biases).
5 – 9 February 2024
On campus at the University of Antwerp
The Winter School is designed for master students in law and law professionals (max. 3 years working experience).
No prior technical knowledge is required.
A good understanding of English is required.
More information about the Winter School
Application details
Applications must be finalised (online) by 17 December 2023 for all participants.
Registration fee
Students: € 500
Professionals: € 1000
Participants who study at one of the Partner Universities of the Faculty of Law – University of Antwerp receive a discount of 50 euros.
The registration fee includes lectures, digital course materials, coffee breaks, a closing ceremony and social activities.
3 ECTS credits are awarded upon successful completion of the programme. Within the context of lifelong learning initiatives in European higher education, all certificates of completion are issued as a micro-credential.
Ljetne/zimske škole za studente donose mogućnost kraće mobilnosti unutar kojih studenti
ostvaruju brojne mogućnosti za umrežavanje.
Ljetne/zimske škole se održavaju tijekom ljetnih, odnosno zimskih praznika.
Mnogi partneri PFZG-a organiziraju ljetne/zimske škole, no studenti mogu ići na razmjenu
koju organiziraju sveučilišta diljem Europe i svijeta.
Razmjena se održava tokom ljetnih i zimskih praznika, najčešće traje do 3, 4 tjedna.