doc. dr. sc. NIKA BAČIĆ SELANEC, LL.M. (UMich)
Jean Monnet Module on “EU Constitutional Law and Methodology” (EUConLaw) aims to promote at the University of Zagreb, and legal academia more widely, a methodological and a constitutional understanding of EU law and its synergy with European values common to liberal democracies.
These objectives will be achieved by introducing into the curriculum of the Zagreb Faculty of Law the first comprehensive and systemic EDUCATION on methodology of EU law at all levels of legal studies – undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate. A methodological course on EU constitutional law will also be offered in postgraduate programme at the Zagreb Faculty of Political Sciences. In its teaching activities, the module will employ and promote a realist outlook to law, facilitating development of students’ critical legal thinking and methodological skillsets, thus contributing to the promotion of studies of “EU law in action” instead of “law in books”.
To compliment and continuously improve its teaching activities, the module will support RESEARCH on different methodological approaches to EU law and the constitutional features of EU legal system based on democracy, respect for fundamental rights and the rule of law, ultimately resulting in several research outputs: three ACADEMIC ARTICLES on methodological and constitutional aspects of EU law, and an E-BOOK compiling the module’s teaching materials.
The module will in three years organize 9 GUEST LECTURES, a ROUNDTABLE debate and an international CONFERENCE, aiming to improve the quality of its teaching content and research outputs, but also facilitate academic mobility, networking, exchange of knowledge and best practices with international scholars in EU constitutional law and legal theory.
In long-term, the module will result in institutionalised education on constitutional nature of the EU and its methodology in the host country, and enhanced academic recognition of using realist and critical legal methods in EU law and EU scholarship.
– undergraduate seminar in European Public Law “INTERPRETING EU LAW“
– graduate 5th year course “EU CONSTITUTIONAL LAW“
– postgraduate course “METHODOLOGY OF EU LAW” (in Croatian language)
- Guest lecture by AG Tamara Ćapeta: “Role of the CJEU in the EU Legal Order”
Friday, 11 November 2022 - Guest lecture by Professor Monica Claes: “Values in EU Law“,
Friday, 31 March 2023 - ROUNDTABLE “Methodology of EU Law”
Friday, 28 April 2023, Interuniversity Centre Dubrovnik - Guest lecture by Professor Alexander Somek “Pragmatism and the CJEU”
Friday, 23 November 2023 - Guest lecture by Professor Gareth Davies: “When Does Integration Go Too Far?”
Tuesday, 28 November 2023 - Guest Lecture by AG Tamara Ćapeta: “Reform of the Court of Justice”
Thursday, 1 February 2024 - Jean Monnet Module Lecture: “Understanding Competences and Checks and Balances in the EU: Lessons from Federal Constitutionalism” at the XXI Jean Monnet seminar “Competences in the EU: A Never Ending Story”, Akademis Akademia, Dubrovnik
Wednesday, 24 April 2024 - Jean Monnet Module Visiting Lectures at the Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Law, 25.4.-3.5.2024:
– Dual Role of Proportionality in EU Law
– Interpreting EU Law
– EU Constitutionalism Without a Constitution
– Public lecture “Understanding EU Competences: Lessons from Federal Constitutionalism“ - ROUNDTABLE “Insiders’ View from Luxembourg”
Monday, 9 May 2024 - KONFERENCIJA “Hrvatsko pravosuđe nakon presude Hann-Invest”
ponedjeljak, 9. rujna 2024, Kuća Europe
u partnerstvu s Predstavništvom Europske komisije u Hrvatskoj - Guest lecture by dr. Mislav Mataija: “New Developments in Preliminary References: EU and Croatia”
Friday, 25 October 2024
- “Rule of Law and the State of Croatian Judiciary” (in Jakša Puljiz and Hrvoje Butković (eds.), Crisis Era European Integration: Economic, Political and Social Lessons from Croatia (Routledge 2024))
- “Internal Judicial Independence in the EU and Ghosts from the Socialist Past: Why the Court of Justice Should Not Follow AG Pikamäe in Hann Invest” (in 20 CYELP 2024)
- “Putokaz izmjene nacionalnog zakonodavstva i pravosudne prakse ujednačavanja sudskih odluka – Tumačenje presude Hann-Invest” (Informator, 2. 9. 2024.)
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