Trg Republike Hrvatske 14
Zagreb, Hrvatska
Povodom današnje objave Natječaja za Erasmus stručnu praksu za akademsku godinu 2024/2025 dijelimo pozitivno iskustvo studenta Pravnog fakulteta Denisa Kerenovića iz Zagreba, koji je trenutno na Erasmus stručnoj praksi na Pravnom fakultetu u Antwerpu, nakon što je zimski semestar proveo na tom Fakultetu u sklopu Erasmus studijskog boravka.
Ne propustite priliku za stjecanjem prvog radnog iskustva u međunarodnom okruženju!
After hearing numerous positive accounts from my colleagues about their Erasmus experience, I was intrigued by their reports and started exploring the possibility of applying for the programme myself. Belgium, with its esteemed reputation and host for many important political institutions, seemed like a compelling option from the very beginning. Meanwhile, my application for an internship at the Embassy of Belgium in Zagreb was accepted, which provided me with a solid foundation in international relations and further strengthened my decision to participate in the Erasmus programme.
I remember the first university I explored was the University of Antwerp. From my initial look at the webpage, it gave the impression of being well organised, and courses offered for exchange students corresponded with my ambitions and interests. From that moment, I knew clearly towards which faculty I gravitated. Therefore, when applying, the University of Antwerp was my first choice, and fortunately, I was accepted. The coordinators from International Relations Office played a very important role during my application, Ms Jelena Tadić Cegnar (Faculty of Law in Zagreb) and Ms Elke Lingier (Faculty of Law in Antwerp). They guided me through the whole process and made sure that everything runs smoothly. Upon arrival and the commencement of the first semester, I understood that a semester in Antwerp was a very right decision to make. This experience has broadened my horizons, enhanced my language skills, offered insights into different cultures, and facilitated the formation of many new friendships. As the months passed by, I came to the realization that my time in Antwerp was soon coming to an end. I enjoyed every aspect of my time there so much that it made me think if there is a way to extend my stay. Professor Koen De Feyter, Chair of International Law, whose course I attended, was aware of my situation and understood how much I would value spending another semester at the University of Antwerp. I reached out to international coordinators and explained my position and the aspirations I am striving to. After several weeks of our correspondence, just before the Christmas Holiday Break, Ms Elke Lingier informed me that Professor De Feyter had decided to offer me an opportunity to undertake a traineeship at the Law and Development Research Group. From that moment, this experience gained an even broader dimension and further motivated me. The entire process was communicated clearly and transparently. We established a learning agreement, and it was quickly confirmed that I would be staying in Antwerp to do my internship at the aforementioned research group. When I decided to go on exchange to Antwerp, I was not aware how enriching this experience could be and how big influence it might have on me.
As I write this, I cannot express enough gratitude to the coordinators from both faculties, to Professor De Feyter, Professor Wouter Vandenhole, and all the other members of the Law and Development Research Group. This experience has taught me that we need to follow our dreams, trust our inner voice, and pursue what we believe in, because we never know what the future holds.