Poglavlja u knjizi:
1. Gumzej, Nina
Regulation of the ICT Market // Croatia: International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Cyber Law / Dumortier, Jos (ur.).
Alphen aan den Rijn, Nizozemska: Kluwer Law International B.V., 2020. Str. 37-88
2. Gumzej, Nina
Privacy Protection // Croatia: International Encyclopaedia of Laws: Cyber Law / Dumortier, Jos (ur.).
Alphen aan den Rijn, Nizozemska: Kluwer Law International B.V., 2020. Str. 165-201
3. Dragičević Dražen; Gumzej, Nina.
Privatnost i zaštita osobnih podataka u digitalnom okruženju // Pravna informatika i pravo informacijskih tehnologija (Legal Informatics and Information Technologies Law) / Dragičević, Dražen (ur.). Zagreb : Narodne novine, 2015. Str. 101-164.
Cjelovito novo poglavlje 5 – Privatnost i zaštita osobnih podataka u digitalnom okruženju (izmjena 2018.) dostupno je za studente na: https://www.pravo.unizg.hr/PI/predmet/pit/dokumenti
1. Gumzej, Nina. ‘The Right to Be Forgotten’ and the Sui Generis Controller in the Context of CJEU Jurisprudence and the GDPR. // Croatian yearbook of European law & policy. 17 (2021); 1-28. https://cyelp.com/index.php/cyelp/article/view/447/246
2. Gumzej, Nina. Applicability of e-Privacy Directive to national data retention measures following invalidation of the Data Retention Directive. // Juridical Tribune, 11 (2021), 3; 430-451 doi:10.24818/TBJ/2021/11/3.02. http://www.tribunajuridica.eu/arhiva/An11v3/2.%20Nina%20Gumzej.pdf
3. Gumzej, Nina; Dragičević, Dražen. Video Surveillance in the Workplace under the Croatian Act on Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation. // Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu. 69 (2019), 3; 327–346. https://hrcak.srce.hr/222626
4. Gumzej, Nina. EU PRAVO NA ZABORAV I GLOBALNI INTERNET: IZVRŠAVANJE ZAHTJEVA ZA UKLANJANJE POVEZNICA NA PRETRAŽIVAČIMA. // Media, culture and public relations. 7 (2016) , 2; 171–191. 

5. Dragičević, Dražen; Gumzej, Nina. Obvezno zadržavanje podataka i privatnost (Mandatory Data Retention and Privacy). // Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu. 64 (2014) , 1; 39–79. 
6. Gumzej, Nina. Selected Aspects of Proposed New EU General Data Protection Legal Framework and the Croatian Perspective. // Juridical Tribune. 3 (2013) , 2; 178–
7. Dragičević, Dražen; Gumzej, Nina. Odgovornost posrednika za povrede autorskog i srodnih prava na internetu (Liability of Intermediaries for Breach of Copyright and Related Rights on the Internet ). // Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu. 62 (2012) , 4; 1003–1042. 
Znanstveni radovi u zbornicima skupova s međunar.rec.
1. Gumzej, Nina; Protrka Nikola. // Evaluation of Digital Evidence in Criminal Proceedings in Croatia with a Focus on Preservation Requirements and Role of Standard Operative Procedures. 44th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), 1 (2021); 1737-1742 doi:10.23919/MIPRO52101.2021.9597136. https://www.bib.irb.hr/1149548/download/1149548.digital_evidence_mipro2021.pdf
2. Gumzej, Nina. Law and technology in data processing: Risk-based approach in EU data protection law and implementation challenges in Croatia // 2017 40th International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO).Piscataway, NJ USA : IEEE, 2017. 
3. Gumzej, Nina; Dragičević Dražen. Convergence in communications and E-Privacy regulatory challenges, with a local perspective // Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Telecommunications – ConTEL 2015 / Thomas Plank / IEEE (ur.). Graz, Austrija : Graz University of Technology Institute of Microwave and Photonic Engineering / IEEE, 2015. 1-8. 
4. Gumzej, Nina; Dragičević, Dražen. Cloud Computing Data Protection Aspects under Croatian and European Union Law // 22nd International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (Softcom 2014), 17-19.9.2014, Split (CFP187A-USB, ISBN 978-953-290-051-4) . 
5. Gumzej, Nina. Izazovi digitalnog okruženja za privatnost i sigurnost osobnih podataka (Challenges of the Digital Environment for Personal Data Privacy and Security) // Društvo i tehnologija 2014 – dr. Juraj Plenković, Opatija, 28.-30.6.2014, Book of Manuscripts/ Zbornik radova. 706-730. 
6. Dragičević, Dražen; Gumzej, Nina. Temeljna prava građana u kontekstu pravne zaštite intelektualnog vlasništva na internetu (Citizens’ fundamental rights in the context of legal protection of intellectual property on the Internet) // Društvo i tehnologija 2013 – dr. Juraj Plenković, XX. Međunarodni znanstveni skup, Zbornik radova / Book of Manuscripts. 381-402 (predavanje,međunarodna recenzija,objavljeni rad,znanstveni). 
7. Gumzej, Nina. Evolving Challenges and Legal Safeguards in Processing User Data in Electronic Communications // Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Telecommunications – ConTEL 2013. 271-282. 
8. Gumzej, Nina; Grgić, Snježana.
ePrivacy Rules and Data Processing in Users’ Terminal Equipment: a Croatian Experience // Proceedings of the 36th International Convention on Information & Communication Technology Electronics & Microelectronics (MIPRO). 
9. Gumzej, Nina. The Council of Europe and the right to personal data protection: embracing postmodernity // Conference of the International Journal of Arts & Sciences Proceedings. 2013. 
10. Gumzej, Nina. Protection of Data Relating to EU Consumers in the IoT Age // Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM), 2012 20th International Conference Proceedings (SoftCOM 2012). 
Druge vrste radova
1. Gumzej, Nina.Uredba o zaštiti osobnih podataka, 2017. 
2. Gumzej, Nina. Europski okvir zaštite osobnih podataka: aktualnosti, 2016. 
3. Time.lex, Spark Legal Network (Gumzej, Nina za Spark u svojstvu vanjskog stručnjaka); European Commission, Directorate-General of Communications Networks, Content & Technology. COUNTRY REPORT CROATIA, “ePrivacy Directive: assessment of transposition, effectiveness and compatibility with proposed Data Protection Regulation (SMART 2013/0071), Final Report – Annex, 2015. (istraživačka studija). 
4. van der Sloot, Bart; Paun, Mara; Leenes, Ronald; McNally, Peter; Ypma, Patricia (Gumzej Nina za Spark Legal Network, te drugi nacionalni eksperti); European Commission – corporate author. Croatia, in: Anti-Doping & Data Protection – An evaluation of the anti-doping laws and practices in the EU Member States in light of the General Data Protection Regulation ; Annex II – Fact Sheets Anti-Doping and Data Protection, 2017. (istraživačka studija). 
5. Time.lex i Spark Legal Network (Gumzej, Nina za Spark Legal Network). COUNTRY REPORT CROATIA, for the study “Standard terms and performance criteria in service level agreements for cloud computing services” (SMART 2013/0039), in: Time.lex and Spark Ltd, “Standard terms and performance criteria in service level agreements for cloud computing services”, D2. First Interim Report, Annex 2, 2014. (istraživačka studija).