Međunarodno građansko procesno pravo
(izbor iz literature ovisno o stranom jeziku kojim student vlada)
- Vuković, Đ./ Kunštek, E. Međunarodno građansko postupovno pravo, Zagreb, 2005.
- Sajko, K. Uredba Europskog vijeća br. 44/2001. o sudskoj nadležnosti, priznanju i ovrsi odluka u građanskim i trgovačkim predmetima iz 2000., Zbornik PFZ, br. 3-4, 2003., str. 653 – 670.
- Sikirić, H. Uredba Europskog Vijeća br. 2201/2003 od 27. studenoga 2003. o nadležnosti i priznanju i ovrsi odluka u bračnim predmetima i predmetima roditeljske odgovornosti i o ukidanju Uredbe (EZ) br. 1347/2000, u: “Europski sudski prostor”, Maribor, 2005.
- Kropholler, J. Europäisches Zivilprozessrecht, 7 Aufl., Heidelberg, 2002.
- Briggs, A. Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments, London, 2002.
(izbor iz literature ovisno o stranom jeziku kojim student vlada)
- Schlosser, P. EU-Zivilprozessrecht, 2. Aufl., München, 2003,
- Geimer, R. Internationales Zivilprozeßrecht, 4. Aufl, 2001
- Jayme, E. (Hrsg.) Ein internationales Zivilverfahrensrecht für Gesamteuropa, Heidelberg 1992.
- Czernich, D./ Tiefenthaler, S./ Kodek, G. E. Kurzkommentar – Europäisches Gerichtsstands- und Vollstreckungsrecht, 2. Aufl., Beč, 2002.
- GaudemetTallon, H. Compétence et exécution des jugements en Europe: Réglement No 44/2001, Conventions de Bruxelles et de Lugano, 3. ed, Paris, 2002.
- Babić, D. Posebna nadležnost za ugovorne sporove prema članku 5. stavak 1. Uredbe (EZ) 44/2001, u: “Europski sudski prostor”, Maribor, 2005.
- Tepeš, N., Određivanje nadležnosti u potrošačkim sporovima u elektroničkoj trgovini – europska i hrvatska pravna rješenja, Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu (2005), str. 29-78.
- A. S. Bell, Forum Shopping and Venue in Transnational Litigation (Oxford, 2003)
- Schlosser, P. Jurisdiction and International Judicial and Administrative Co-operation, Recueil des Cours de l’Académie de droit international, 2000, t. 284, str. 218 ff.
- Volken, P. Internationale Rechtshilfe in Zivilsachen; Schweizerisches Jahrbuch für internationales Recht, Vol. 37, 1981, p. 109. – Die internationale Rechtshilfe in Zivilsachen; Schulthess Polygraphischer Verlag, Zürich 1996, p. 228.
- Report by Mr. P. Jenard on the Convention of 27 September 1968 on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters, OJ C 59 p. 1 1979/5/3, Internet adresa:
- Report by Professor Dr Peter Schlosser on the Convention of 9 October 1978 on the Association of the Kingdom opf Denmark, Ireland and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters an to the Protocol on its interpretation by the Court of Justice OJ C 59 p. 71 1979/5/3, Internet adresa:
- Report by Mr. P. Jenard and Mr. G. Möller on the Convention on jurisdiction and the enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters done at Lugano on 16 September 1988, OJ C 189 p. 57 1990/7/28, Internet adresa:
- Praksa Europskog suda u Luksemburgu, Internet adresa: