Assistant Professor Slađana Aras Kramar was born in 1984 in Pula. In September 2007, she graduated from the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb (magister juris, Bachelor/Master degree, summa cum laude). During her legal studies, she was repeatedly awarded the Dean’s awards, awards for excellence in her studies and the Provost’s Award. In 2007, she enrolled in the Postgraduate doctoral study of Civil and Family Law Sciences at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb. She has defended her doctoral thesis entitled Proceedings in Matters of Child Maintenance on 19 June 2012 and acquired the academic degree of Doctor of Laws (LLD, PhD).
From November 2007 to the present, she has been employed at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, first as a research assistant within the research project Harmonization of Civil Procedure with the Legal System of the European Union, run by the Department of Civil Procedure, from July 2012 as a senior research assistant, from November 2013 as an assistant professor, and from December 2019 as an associate professor. After a period of training in the Municipal Civil Court and Municipal Criminal Court in Zagreb (from November 2007 to November 2008) she was admitted to the Bar (Croatian State Bar Examination – admitted to the Bar on 6 April 2010).
She is an active researcher on the international scientific project Ius Commune Research School, Foundations and Principles of Civil Procedure in Europe, universities of Utrecht, Maastricht, Amsterdam and Leuven (February 2009 until today), and is engaged in the Legal Clinic of the Faculty of Law in Zagreb as an assistant project leader and mentor to clinicians who directly provide legal aid to citizens (October 2010 until today).
Language skills: English, German and Italian.