Trg Republike Hrvatske 14
Zagreb, Croatia
The Faculty of Law has a large number of student associations. Their scope of work reflects the diversity our students’ interests. We encourage our current and future students to join the work of the following associations:
The Alimenta Association brings together young and enterprising students of law willing to acquire new knowledge and experiences. We organise various activities with a focus on legal topics the primary goal of which is to upgrade the knowledge gained at the faculty in order to become more competitive in the future labour market.
The association has a wider area of activity. In addition to the projects related legal topics, we also organise “Alimenta Cultural Corner”, i.e. group visits to theatre performances and exhibitions with preferential prices for our members and friends of the association. We offer our members we encourage opportunities to participate equally in organising the activities of the association. At the same time, we encourage the realisation of our own quality ideas and personal development of the individual through the improvement of organizational and communication skills in the team environment. Each year, the active membership increases, and the association itself connects with new organisations and people.
Capella juris is a mixed choir of the Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb, which brings together about thirty students of law and friends of the Faculty. In the twelve years of its existence, Capella juris has promoted the reputation of the Faculty of Law and developed music culture among the academic community, while encouraging friendly gatherings among young people. This group of enthusiasts – with or without formal music education – meets in the Upper Town for professionally guided rehearsals, working on the repertoire of secular and sacral character and paying particular attention to the promotion of the rich Croatian musical heritage. The choir was founded in May 2006 with the initiative of Professor Ivo Josipović and Professor Wolfgang Rusch, who was the artistic director for the first two years. Since then, the choir was conducted by Jurica Petar Petrač (2008-2015), Darijan Ivezić and Davor Kelić (2015-2016), and today it is led by Maro Rica, a student of conducting in the class of Professor Tomislav Fačini.
Capella juris performs at most academic ceremonies, but over the years it has outgrown the function of musical accompaniment to graduate promotions and other important events related to the Faculty of Law and the University. The choir holds independent concerts, traditionally one peer semester, participates in joint concerts, festivals and gatherings, and also celebrates official events and ceremonies in the institutions such as the Parliament, the Constitutional Court or embassies. Collaborations have been realised with prominent fellow musicians, such as the Croatian Baroque Ensemble, Rucner String Quartet, Ayllu Enesmble, Col Legno and Music Trails, while the CD Mark Cantores sancti Marci, released in 2013 with the Oratorial Choir of the Church of St. Mark’s, was singled out from the joint projects with other Zagreb choirs.
Capella juris repeatedly proves its high artistic level with the praises and awards from domestic and foreign choir competitions, winning so far: a bronze plaque in Zagreb 2008, a bronze plaque in Ohrid 2009, a silver plaque in Zagreb 2010, a silver plaque and the first prize of the jury for the best performance in Prague 2010, a bronze cathedral for the performance of a new composition, overall second place in Split 2011, a gold plaque as absolute winners of the 2012 competition in Zagreb, a silver plaque in Warsaw 2013, a gold plaque in Zagreb in 2014 and a gold plaque and a jury award for special artistic achievement in choir management in Osijek in 2016.
Capella juris sings in Ćirilometodska 4, Hall 7 (in the attic):
The student association Society of Social Work Students was founded on March 31, 1995 with the aim of protecting student rights and freedoms and improving the position of students of social work. The Society brings together students of social work, encourages diversity, freedom of attitudes, social activism and encourages students to volunteer and organise their own volunteer and humanitarian actions.
One of the activities of the Society is the publication of the journal Socius, a student magazine that deals with the issues related to social work. The Society regularly organises educational forums on current topics in which students have the opportunity to participate and hear the opinions and knowledge of experts in the field of social work, social policy and related fields. Every year the Society marks the Week of Advocating the Rights of the Homeless and the Week of Advocating the Profession of Social Work with humanitarian and educational actions, and it continuously implements the humanitarian action Every 25th Christmas to Someone in which money and material donations are collected monthly, which are then delivered to the addresses of the beneficiary and the family of the low financial situation.
The Society also organises gatherings of students through film evenings, recreational activities, pub quizzes, and it connects freshmen with mentors and thus encourages the gathering of students of all years of our study!
Many members of our association have received the Dean’s award for community service.
The European Law Students’ Association (ELSA) is the world’s largest independent, non-profit and non-political association of law students and young lawyers. Founded in 1981 in Vienna, it currently operates in 43 European countries and brings together more than 40,000 individual members at nearly 300 faculties of law. ELSA Zagreb currently has 250 members, and the most active ones are the members of ELSA teams for 2017/2018.
Throughout the years, the Faculty of Law has repeatedly recognised our work, which was rewarded with certificates, meetings and financial support. Equally valuable acknowledgments were given by the University of Zagreb, sponsors and the community of fellow students. Some projects have changed over the years, both thematically and structurally, and they were recognised as a constant need of a community in which there is room for development. On the other hand, many projects remained original. Over the decades, ELSA has proven able to bear financial burdens and reasonably and meaningfully dispose of revenues. We are particularly proud of the continued growth in the number of our members. As our younger members expand their horizons, the older ones sharpen their abilities. In addition to them, there is an alumni membership that brings together members eager to socialise with the new generations of this association.
The Meritokrat Association was created in 2018 by proactive students of the Faculty of Law in Zagreb, gathered around one idea – educational literacy of citizens.
One of our more recognizable projects is Financial and Legal Literacy – a long-term project of creating educational animated videos that explain basic legal and financial institutes. It is closely related to the project Through the Small Gate to the Great World, a project by which high school students understand certain social and legal processes, with an emphasis on the organisation of the state government, the importance of the Constitution, the most important international organisations and the like.
Other significant projects include the Law MeetUp Conference &Contest – the so-called career speed dating of law students and potential employers and a new form of legal competition conducted in cooperation with law firms. The Association also implements a humanitarian project Today I am doing something new in which interested students connect with associations where there is a possibility of volunteering (animal shelters, soup kitchens, work with the homeless, etc.).
Finally, the Mark-It team is in charge of organising various events throughout the year, marketing and other activities that contribute to the cohesion of the Association as a whole.
More details about the Association, each team and how to join the Association can be found in the brochure.
The association Pravnik started its work back in 1967 and over the past decades, through numerous projects and initiatives, it has managed to profile itself as a serious participant in academic life.
The most important activity of the Association is the publication of the journal Pravnik, the oldest professional student journal for legal and social issues in the Republic of Croatia. In the journal we publish the highest quality student papers, often awarded with the Rector’s or Dean’s Prize, reviews of professional literature, analysis of legal practice and other interesting facts from the legal sphere. Every year we organise a large Congress of Law Students at which, over a few days, a specific topic is discussed in detail through lectures by legal and other experts and constructive discussions of students and lecturers. Several times a year we organise the debates on current legal, political and social issues, and an excellent response to them indicates the great interest of our students and the need for regular implementation of such and similar projects. Furthermore, for several years we have successfully conducted the competition Pravnik’s professional internship, which enables the students of the Faculty of Law in Zagreb to perform professional internships in law firms and acquire much-needed practical experience and work skills, a foundation for the future.
In addition to the aforementioned, we are constantly working on numerous other projects, and we encourage all members to actively participate in the design and implementation of the same.
The Sports Association of Students of the Faculty of Law in Zagreb organises and conducts sports activities at the Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb. Sports activities at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb are organised by the students themselves under or without the patronage of the Sports Association of Students of the Faculty of Law in Zagreb, but with the mandatory cooperation with the Faculty and the Zagreb University Sports Federation.
The association is administratively divided into sections that are in charge of encouraging and conducting sports activities at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb. At the moment, the Association consists of seven sports and ten sections that organise the following sports activities by gender:
Table tennis
All other sports activities (which are currently not organised by the Association itself or otherwise organised at the Faculty of Law) can be initiated with the full support of the Association and the Zagreb University Sports Association. If you are interested in establishing a new section within the Association that will encourage sports activities that have not already been organised at the Faculty of Law, please contact us via email in which you will briefly present yourself. We are always looking forward to new members, so you are all welcome!
A student-teacher association ZA-Pravo LGBTIQA+ OSOBA (For the rights of LGBTIQY+ persons) brings together teachers and students of the Faculty of Law in Zagreb who jointly create a safe, supportive and open environment for the students of the Faculty of Law in Zagreb regardless of their sexual orientation and gender identity.
The association ZA-Pravo was inspired by student associations in the United States called the Gay-Straight Alliance.
ZA-Pravo offers a safe and enabling environment for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender students, those who question their identity, as well as those students who have LGBTIQA+ friends and family members or those who support LGBTIQA+ rights.
Members of the Association meet on the first Monday of every month, and the association organises expert discussions, guest lectures and conferences.
INSTAGRAM: za.pravo.lgbtiq.osoba