Student Ombudsperson:

Jakov Vojta Žujo


Deputy Student Ombudsperson:

Lucija Papeša




Admission of students to the Office of the Student Ombudsperson (currently unavailable due to works)

The institution of the Student Ombudsperson is a sui generis institution, established in 2007 by the Students’ Union and Other Student Organisations Act (OG 71/07).

According to the Statute of the Students’ Union of the Faculty of Law in Zagreb, the duties of the student ombudsperson are as follows (Art. 37):

  1. a) receives complaints from students concerning their rights and discusses them with the Students’ Union and the competent bodies of the Faculty;
  2. b) advises students how to exercise their rights;
  3. c) may participate in disciplinary proceedings against students in order to protect their rights;
  4. d) discusses with the Students’ Union and the competent bodies of the Faculty the issues related to exercising student rights;
  5. e) participates in the work of the Assembly;
  6. F) performs other tasks of interest for the exercise of student rights.

In accordance with the law and the Statute, the Students’ Union of the Faculty of Law in Zagreb appointed Ana Nera Horvat, a 3rd year law student, for the period from 1 January 2022 to 30 April 2023.

Deputies assist the Ombudsperson in the performance of his/her duties, replace him/her in case of inability, and perform other tasks which he/she entrusts to them.

We hereby invite all students who consider that some of their rights during their studies have been violated to contact us in order to correct the injustice and prevent it from reoccurring.