Europsko međunarodno privatno pravo-posebni dio
(izbor iz literature ovisno o stranom jeziku kojim student vlada)
- Sajko, K. Međunarodno privatno pravo, 4. izdanje, Narodne novine, Zagreb, 2005., poglavlja: I.4. i II., str. 61-73.
- Bouĉek, V. Prijedlog Uredbe Rim II iz 2003. i opće odredbe deliktnoga statuta u hrvatskom Zakonu o međunarodnom privatnom pravu, u: “Europski sudski prostor”, Maribor, 2005.
- Report on the Convention on the law applicable to contractual obligations by Mario Giuliano and Paul Lagarde, OJ C 282 p. 1 1980/10/31, Internet adresa:
- Green Paper on the conversion of the Rome Convention of 1980 on the law applicable to contractual obligations into a Community instrument and its modernisation, COM(2002)654 final of 14.1.2003, Internet adresa:!celexplus!prod!DocNumber&lg=en&type_doc=COMfinal&an_doc=2002&nu_doc=654
- Answers to the “Green Paper on the conversion of the Rome Convention of 1980 on the law applicable to contractual obligations into a Community instrument and its modernisation”, Internet adresa:
- Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and the Council on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations (Rome II), COM/2003/0427 final – COD 2003/0168; Internet adrese:!celexplus!prod!DocNumber&lg=en&type_doc=COMfinal&an_doc=2003&nu_doc=427 i
- Praksa Europskog suda u Luksemburgu, Internet adresa:
(izbor iz literature ovisno o stranom jeziku kojim student vlada)
- Sikirić, H. u: Sajko/Sikirić/Bouček/Babić/Tepeš,: Izvori hrvatskog i europskog meĊunarodnog privatnog prava, Informator, Zagreb, 2001., str. 288-303;
- Bouĉek, V. u: Sajko/Sikirić/Bouček/Babić/Tepeš,: Izvori hrvatskog i europskog međunarodnog privatnog prava, Informator, Zagreb, 2001., str. 303-310.
- Bouček, V. Opće odredbe deliktnog statuta u njemačkom međunarodnom privatnom pravu, Hrvatska pravna revija, br. 8/2004., str. 36-48.
- Bouček, V. Opće odredbe deliktnog statuta – prinos tezama za nacrt novog hrvatskog zakona o meĊunarodnom privatnom pravu, Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, Vol. 48, br. 12/1998, str. 117-148.
- Kodek, G. E. Kurzkommentar – Europäisches Gerichtsstands- und Vollstreckungsrecht, 2. Aufl., Beĉ, 2002.
- Czernich, D./ Heiss, H. EVÜ – Das Europäische Schuldvertragsübereinkommen, Wien, 1999.
- Lasock, D./Stone, P.A. Conflict of Laws in the European Community, Professional Books Limited, Abingdon, 1987.
- Remien, O. European private international law, the European Community and its emerging area of freedom, security and justice, Common Market Law Review 38 (2001), str. 53-86.