Lucija Vejmelka is an experienced researcher in the field of child protection and digital well-being, senior research associate, associate professor and editor-in-chief of the Ljetopis socijalnog rada (WOS and SOCPUS).

Primary research focus in the areas of digital well-being, peer relations, problematic Internet use, alternative childcare, group work, communication skills, qualitative methodology. Doctoral dissertation, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb (2012) on the topic of violence among children in institutional placement of children. Foster carer supervisor (SIDA Sweden), attendee of the specialist postgraduate study in Family Mediation. Head of the lifelong education program for specialists Benefits and risks of modern technologies (4 ECTS). Commissioner for e-learning at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb.

Permanent associate and expert advisor of the Safer Internet Centre Croatia: making internet a good and safe place, a national project supported by the European Commission. Deputy member of the Council for Children of the Republic of Croatia (2018-2020). Member of the working group for the preparation of the Initial Report of the Republic of Croatia according to the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography. Co-founder of FICE Croatia, the domestic branch of FICE International.

Researcher in a number of research projects in the field of child protection, national research coordinator on the international research project Subjective well-being of children. Research leader of the regional comparative, nationally representative research on online sexual harassment by deSHAME Croatia and related regional research conducted in Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina on representative samples as a continuation of the deSHAME international research of Childnet.

Active international engagement, guest lecturer at foreign faculties, study visits (Zuyd Maastrich, 2010, University of Tilburg, Department of media and communication 2022), national representative in several international working groups on the topic of internet safety and alternative care (Eurochild taskforce on children’s rights in the digital environment). Elected expert of the European Commission (Missions aimed at improving foster care in Kazakhstan and Montenegro). Actively participated in several COST actions, national representative in the COST action Problematic usage of Internet

As an invited national expert in May 2021, she participated as a host country expert in the European Commission event called Peer Review on “Furthering quality and accessibility of Foster Care Service in Croatia”.

She has published several scientific and professional works and one scientific monograph. Active participation in more than 50 scientific conferences and professional meetings.






GLAVNA UREDNICA Ljetopis socijalnog rada, WOS, SCOPUS,