Social Work Study Centre
The Social Work Study Centre is an organizational unit of the faculty that organizes and performs scientific and professional work in the scientific field of social activities and organizes and participates in the implementation of the studies of social work and social policy. It is also the first educational institution to perform study programmes in the area of social work and social policy in Croatia. The study programmes are organized and performed on three levels: undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate. A total of seven study programs have been accredited: one at undergraduate level, two at graduate level and four at postgraduate level (four specialist studies).
The social work study focuses on training professionals who will be able to tackle new social problems and risks, study pertinent issues and gain knowledge and skills necessary to perform tasks in the social welfare system. The other study focus at the Social Work Study Centre, social policy, is integrated into the undergraduate study of social work (unlike some countries where it is an independent university study or is integrated into other disciplines, such as sociology or political science). Experience has shown that social workers working in a number of institutions (e.g., ministries, state institutes and other institutions, local self-government, civil society organizations) need to be better acquainted with the field of social policy. Also, running a centre for social welfare or a similar institution requires good managerial skills to cooperate with the social environment and to be able to supervise the implementation of local social plans.