Professor Robert Podolnjak was born on 3 June 1958 in Varaždin. He graduated from the Faculty of Political Sciences in Zagreb in 1981, obtained his master’s degree from the Faculty of Political Sciences in Zagreb in 1991, and his doctoral degree from the Faculty of Law in Osijek. He has been working at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb since 1 January 2006. He is a full professor at the Department of Constitutional Law. He has published three monographs: “Federalizam i republikanizam: Stvaranje američkog ustava” (“Federalism and Republicanism: The Creation of the American Constitution”)(2004), “Neposredan izbor (grado)načelnika i župana: Europska iskustva i hrvatski izazov” (“Direct Election of (City)Mayors and Prefects: European Experiences and the Croatian Challenge”) (2005), “(Grado)načelnik i vijeće: Novi institucionalni okvir hrvatske lokalne samouprave u komparativnoj perspektivi” (“(City)Mayor and Council: New Institutional Framework of the Croatian Local Self-Government in a Comparative Perspective”) (2010), and more than 70 papers in scientific journals, anthologies and other publications. He was a member of the Committee for the Constitution, Rules of Procedure and Political System of the Croatian Parliament from the ranks of public, scientific and professional employees from 2008 to 2011 and a member of the Working Group of the Government of the Republic of Croatia for changes to the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia from 2009 to 2010. As a member of the Croatian Parliament during two mandates, from 2015 to 2020, he held, among other duties, the position of a vice president of the Parliament, the chairman of the Committee for the Constitution, Rules of Procedure and Political System, and the head of the Croatian Parliament’s delegation to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly.
Trg Republike Hrvatske 14
Zagreb, Croatia