Career Days of the Social Work Study Center of the Faculty of Law in Zagreb took place between 7 and  9 May 2024. This traditional event gave students of the university’s undergraduate study of social work and the graduate studies of social work and social policy an opportunity to explore the possibilities and challenges they will face in their future careers in conversations with experts from practice.

The opening ceremony was held on 7 May 2024 in Hall III at the Nazorova building. The opening speech was given by the dean of the Faculty of Law, Prof. Ivan Koprić, and head of the Social Work Study Center, Prof. Gordana Berc. The panel discussions focused on topics such as the career of a social worker in state administration bodies, international institutions and civil society organizations. The importance of the synergy of the profession and knowledge in social work in the provision of social services at the individual, family, group and community level was particularly highlighted. In the panel titled “To a career without hurdles”, the students got an insight into the possibilities offered by the faculty in postgraduate education in the university doctoral studies of Social Work and Social Policy and the professional training in the university specialist studies in Supervision in Psychosocial Work and Family Mediation. At the same time, students had the opportunity to participate in a workshop on drafting resumes and motivational letters, and preparing for a high-quality presentation and entering the labor market. Panels and workshops were held on 7 and 8 May, while 9 May was reserved for Career Speed Dating – short individual job interviews with prospective employers.

Career Days are extremely useful for students and graduates, as well as for representatives of various institutions and organizations from the labor market. This event represents a continuous effort of the faculty in promoting cooperation between students and the labor market, and the development of the alumni community.

“I was totally delighted by the three days I spent at Social Work Career Days. All the talks were very useful, informative, and encouraging for us who are just starting our careers. All the speakers made an effort to share their experience with us, to give us as much useful information as possible and to answer our questions. I can easily and gladly recommend this event to everyone and encourage students to attend it next year, as they will most certainly not regret it.” student Helena Odobasic said.

The Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb thanks all guests, speakers and representatives of organizations, institutions and other employers for their response and willingness to contribute their knowledge and experience to Social Work Study Centre Career Days, and invites all interested organizations and institutions to register on the Provis – Alumni Club web site for the purpose of advertising their recruitment opportunities (

Ivana Karaman Jurić from the Alumni Community of the Faculty of Law in Zagreb took part in the organization and delivery of the program, along with the dean, the administration, professors and other faculty employees.

The faculty invites all those who could not participate in Career Days this time to register with the Alumni Community of the Social Work Study Center at with a view to holding similar interactive talks and discussions, concluding agreements on the organization of professional practice for our students, or advertising employment opportunities.