Within this course students will be introduced to the notion and main features of international criminal law, its historical development and modern tendencies. The emphasis will be on the law and practice of international ad hoc tribunals and, in particular, of the permanent International Criminal Court. We will discuss the sources of ICL, international crimes, modes of individual criminal liability, proceedings before the ICC, victims’ participation and protection, purpose and future of ICL. Given the dynamic development of this branch of law, the basic textbook will be enriched with excerpts from relevant judgments and decisions of international criminal courts and recent scientific articles. Students are expected to attend classes regularly and to read the literature designated for each class so that they can actively participate in class.
International Criminal Law
Ronald Slye, Ronald C. Slye, Beth Van Schaack; International Criminal Law; Aspen Publishers (2009)
William A. Schabas; An Introduction to the International Criminal Court; Cambridge University Press (2011)
Robert Cryer, Hakan Friman, Darryl Robinson; An Introduction to International Criminal Law and Procedure; Cambridge University Press (2010)