From 30 January to 3 February 2024, eight students from the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb participated in the Erasmus+ combined intensive program entitled “Genocide and Mass atrocities under International Law.” The program coordinator was Professor Felipe Gomez Isa from the partner Faculty of Law at the University of Deusto in Spain, and the host institution was Jagellonian University in Krakow. The Faculty of Law at the Loyola University in Spain also participated as a partner institution. In addition to lectures, students had a socio-cultural program and visited the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial Center.

The participating students from our faculty were Bojana Dimovski, Lucija Herceg, Ana Sever, Mihaela Slunjski, Petra Schmidt, Patricija Perić, Ema Vučetić, and Julija Rebernak. They were accompanied by Professor Maja Munivrana from the Department of Criminal Law, who was one of the teachers involved in the program.

The faculty strongly supports and encourages participation in BIP programs.