Within the course “Youth in conflict with the Law: educational measures” students should gain basic and specific competence in the area of work with juvenile offenders. Students will get knowledge about theoretical explanation of youth delinquent behavior, look into results and possibility of critical approach to researches (in the world and domestic) about the factors which contribute or prevent delinquent behavior of youth, they will learn about the role of Social Welfare Center during conduction of educational measures and about social work with juvenile offenders with institutional measures. The course is consisted of interactive lectures and field visits to institutions for juvenile offenders.
Course description
– Explanation of youth delinquent behavior
– Theoretical explanations of juvenile delinquency
– Contemporary researches in juvenile delinquency
– Juvenile offenders in Croatia (statistical data: age, sex, criminal acts, type of intervention)
– Features of juvenile offenders
– The role of Social Welfare Center in conduction of educational measures (non-institutional measures)
– Social work with juvenile offenders with institutional measures
– Particularities of approach to juvenile offenders and ethical dilemmas in work with juvenile offenders
– Possibilities of preventive work in the area of juvenile delinquency